Hi, I'm Max
I'm a computer scientist with an interest in artificial intelligence and linguistics. I graduated the University of Maryland with a degree in computer science and linguistics. In my free time I write a blog about artificial intelligence, and model dynamic systems.
Web Projects

Cellular Rock Paper Scissors
A cellular automaton interrogating the consequences of iterated non-orderable strategies in competitions

Ascii Canvas
Implementation of the HTML5 canvas interface using ascii graphics
Sonar Game
A maze solving game
Flocking Simulation
A tweaked version of the Boids simulation

3D Maze
A 3D maze game written in pure WebGL
Nodal Logic
A binary adder implemented in a multipurpose nodal logic paradigm
Gradient Descent
Gradient descent implemented on my Nodal Logic paradigm.

Isabella Scribner
Isabella is a filmmaker, animator, artist, and founder of the Dillweed Film Society

Vera Gonzalez
Vera writes the best app for astrological science on Earth. She also studies ancient Sumerian and mycology.

James Cobau
James is a mechanical and electrical engineer with a talent for robotics

Philipp Kremers
Philipp is a PhD student in Philosophy at Georgetown studying epistemology
If you'd like to contact me...
E-mail: max[at]toastwallpaper.com
Phone: 301[dash]219[dash]5886